Apologies if this has been asked before.
I'm setting up a 2762ac router for a small office. 3.9.2_BT Firmware. There will be three SSID's; for the sake of argument "Managers", "Staff" and "Guest"
both 2.4 and 5GHz, WPA2, MAC Address filtered (White List), access to internet and internal services such as printing and storage. Band Steering where possible.
both 2.4 and 5GHz, WPA2, MAC Address filtered (White List). Band Steering where possible.
both 2.4 and 5Ghz. No MAC filtering but password changed weekly.
Every other router I've seen (and, according to online documentation, earlier versions of 2762 firmware) have a "use same settings for 2.4 and 5G" tickbox. I can't find one on the 2762 with the latest firmware. Which means configuring each SSID / password twice. And Each MAC address list twice. And changing the guest password twice. etc. Time consuming and with possibilities of a mistake (different passwords on 2.4G v 5G for example)
I can manage the rest of the configuration but if anyone can show me an option I've missed I'd be seriously grateful!