I'm currently using a 2927ac on latest firmware, along with a collection of other devices in the network(s) and trying to consolidate various alerts.
I had been using Gmail which has it's own challeneges on other devices so was looking at AWS SES.
I've now stumbled into a problem where the password field in the email service object isn't long enough for an AWS access security key. They're generated by the IAM service and are longer than the 31 character limit in the object store.
This is essentially the same issues in some of the SMS API threads where we're forced to use SMS Providers legacy APIs as the password / key secret is also longer than the 31 Chrater limit.
It seems the 31 Characters is long enough to work with various providers current security requirements for password / key seceret length.
Could we have a feature request to increase the size of the object store to accomodate longer passwords / keys?
(Or has anyone managed to get AWS to generate shorter API passwords)