VI. Feature Setup
ExpiredHow to transfer ownership of a DrayTek Vigor router between MyVigor accounts
How to transfer ownership of a DrayTek Vigor router between MyVigor accounts
If a DrayTek Vigor router has been added to a MyVigor account, as described here, that MyVigor account has ownership of the router and it must be transferred to another selected MyVigor account before the router can be managed by a different MyVigor account. The MyVigor account is used for managing any subscriptions or licences (eg Web Content Filter, APP Enforcement Signatures) that are assigned to the Vigor router.
Please follow these instructions to transfer a DrayTek Vigor Router from one MyVigor account to another. A transfer following this method will also transfer the existing licences so that they stay with the Vigor Router and after the transfer will appear when managing the Vigor router from the second MyVigor Account. Once the transfer has completed the original MyVigor account will no longer display the Vigor Router or any of its licences.
There are two sections, the first is for the router's current owner to initiate the transfer, the second is for the new owner to confirm and complete the transfer.
Current Owner
1. Log in to Web interface of the device that will be transferred from one account to another, go to [CSM] > [Web Content Filter] and click Activate:
2. The Activate button will pop-up the MyVigor portal page, log in with current owner's MyVigor account:
Find the router in the [My Information] > [My Product] list and click on its Serial Number / Host ID link:
3. On the Device Information page, click Transfer on the page:
(If the Transfer button is not available, it means this device does not belong to this MyVigor account.)
4. Enter the new owner's MyVigor account in New Owner and the new owner's e-mail in New Owner email, then click Submit:
(Note that the e-mail should be same one in MyVigor account information.)
5. Click OK for the pop-up window and the message on MyVigor page, then wait for the new owner to confirm and complete the transfer process.
6. Before the new owner confirms the transfer, you can cancel the transfer by clicking Cancel Transfer if necessary:
New Owner
1. After the above steps, the new owner should receive a confirmation e-mail from, with the subject “MyVigor New Device Owner Notification”:
2. Click the link in the mail, and it will lead you to a registration confirmation page.
3. Click Login and log-in with the new owner's MyVigor account:
4. After logging in to the new owner's MyVigor account, the transfer process will be complete, the router should now be visible in the [My Information] > [My Product] list of the new owner's MyVigor account:
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