VI. Feature Setup
ExpiredAdding a DrayTek Vigor Router to a MyVigor Account
The DrayTek MyVigor system provides an interface to manage licenses and subscriptions for services, such as the GlobalView Web Filtering service and App Enforcement.
A DrayTek Vigor router must be associated with your DrayTek MyVigor account before subscriptions and licenses can be activated for use with that router.
Adding a DrayTek router to a MyVigor router in this way requires a new DrayTek Vigor router that has not already been associated with a MyVigor account.
Routers that are already associated with another user's MyVigor account and need to be moved to your own MyVigor account must be moved between accounts using the MyVigor Transfer system.
Adding your product to your MyVigor Account
Before proceeding, create an account on MyVigor:
Click the Register link on this page to create a new account.
Creating an account requires a valid e-mail address. Account details can be changed after registration from the [My Information] > [My Settings] section.
To add a new DrayTek Vigor router to a MyVigor account, access your router's Web interface and select [CSM] > [Web Content Filter Profile]
This will display the current state of the Web Content Filtering license for the router, which will display '[Status : Not Activated]' initially.
Click the 'Activate' button shown:
That will take you directly to the MyVigor Web Portal login page.
It is necessary to access the MyVigor portal through the router's web interface and not directly, for the router to pass required information to the MyVigor system.
Enter the requested captcha information and log in with your MyVigor account username and password:
Go to the [My Information] > [My Product] page, this shows the DrayTek products that are associated with your account, listed in order of serial number.
The new device should be shown in a red highlighted box to Register Device at the top of the products list, with the router's serial number displayed.
Enter a suitable Nickname for the router, this can be changed later and is dispayed in the MyVigor system only.
Click Add to add the DrayTek Vigor router to your MyVigor account:
If the Register Device section does not appear, check that the router has not already been linked to a MyVigor account. If the router has already been associated with a MyVigor account, the router should be moved between the two accounts using the Transfer system, which the original owner most invoke.
If the router is not known to be associated with another MyVigor account, retry the process above by accessing the router's web interface, then using the Activate link in the web interface to access the MyVigor system.
After clicking the Add button, the page will update within a few seconds to confirm that the router has been linked to your MyVigor account:
Go to [My Information] > [My Products] to view the DrayTek products linked to your MyVigor account.
Click on the serial number of the newly added router, to view detailed information for that router:
The Device Information shows additional information for the router and the licenses and subscriptions that can be associated with it.
Please note that only the WCF - Cyren web content filtering service is used in the United Kingdom; the WCF - BPjM service cannot be used outside of Germany.
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