


WAN - How to change the MAC Address

Vigor 2135ax
Vigor 2620Ln
Vigor 2760
Vigor 2762
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MAC address
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Some ISPs restrict Internet access to their modems that are recognised by MAC addresses. Sky users may need to use a different method described in this article. Another example where setting up a specific MAC address on your router might be required is the hall of residence where network administrators applied rules so that only registered devices can be connected.

Most of the DrayTek routers support MAC address update of their WAN Interfaces. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Go to [WAN] > [Internet Access] and click Details Page of the WAN you need to configure. 

 kb wan mac address 01

2. In the right lower part of the profile box select Specify a MAC Address, and enter the MAC Address of your choice. Click OK to save.

For PPPoE:

kb wan mac address 02

For Static or Dynamic IP:

kb wan mac address 03

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