
VII. Router Diagnostics


How to get the S/N of a remote Vigor router?

Vigor 2135ax
Vigor 2620Ln
Vigor 2760
Vigor 2762
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The serial number of the Vigor router is usually required when submitting a support query, maintaining MyVigor services etc. If you are local to the router, check the label. The serial number is printed on every product. See this article for more details.

DrayTek SN label

If your DrayTek router, such as Vigor 2862 series, is in a remote location and running 3.9.1 (or later) firmware. Try one of these two options:

Remote GUI

1. Access your remote router over the VPN or it's WAN if remote management is enabled.

If none of the above is available, ask your remote IT technician to login to the router.

2. Open the [Service Status] page where Device Information should appear;

kb service status serial number

Note that when accessing the [Service Status] menu, you may be asked to log into MyVigor portal if your router has been associated with a MyVigor account. After logging in, you will be presented with the device information depicted above.

This information is stored on MyVigor server, and all data is encrypted during transmission to the router. If the router is reset to factory default settings, any data pertaining to the router will also be deleted in the router.
You can still check the S/N by logging in with other MyVigor account. However, the owner account details and email address will not be displayed. Instead, the following warning message will be displayed:

kb service status serial number wrong myvigor


kb service status connection failed

If the above message is displayed by the router make sure that the Internet connection is available. Your router needs to access MyVigor servers in order to pull the serial number information.

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