
VII. Router Diagnostics


Using the DrayTek Syslog Utility

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The DrayTek Syslog utility is a DrayTek specific diagnostic and logging tool designed to record and interpret Syslog messages sent by DrayTek routers and other DrayTek products. Syslog is a simple messaging protocol designed to send human readable messages from network devices to a Syslog daemon (a listening/capturing program) and displayed or logged to a file.

Syslog is intended for logging and auditing purposes, as well as troubleshooting, for instance checking how the router's IP Filter or Content Filter is being applied.

The latest version of the DrayTek Syslog Utility can be downloaded here. It is a standalone application that does not require installation.

Upon first running, the Windows Firewall may prompt to allow the DrayTek Syslog utility through the Windows software firewall, click "Allow Access" to allow the Syslog utility to receive syslog messages, otherwise the Windows Firewall will drop incoming syslog messages when they are sent by your router.

The Syslog protocol uses UDP Port 514 by default, which needs to be allowed through any software firewalls to send syslogs to a PC, or forwarded through NAT if forwarding syslog over the internet.

Usage of the DrayTek Syslog Utility is detailed in these sections:

Application Overview

An overview of the main DrayTek Syslog utility window

Syslog Menu Options

The menu options available in the utility

Saving and Viewing Logs

Saving logs and viewing these saved logs with the DrayTek Syslog utility.

Recommended for shorter logs & quick diagnostics

Syslog Database

Saving logs to a DrayTek Syslog Database and reading logs within that database.

Recommended for long term logging and auditing

Configuring DrayTek Syslog Utility

Change settings for the DrayTek Syslog utility with additional diagnostic tools


DrayTek Syslog Utility Overview

The DrayTek Syslog utility breaks down Syslog messages into Categories and Sub-Categories that are specific to DrayTek routers, along with many other options to manage the viewer as it's running, these are described in the table below:

Menu Buttons The menus for saving and viewing Syslog information with the DrayTek Syslog utility. See the Syslog Menu Options tab for more details.
Message Filter

The Log Filter is able to filter incoming messages and record / display only messages that match the criteria specified, by searching each incoming syslog message as a string of ASCII text.

The keyword filter allows for multiple filter entries, with additional options to filter out unwanted entries. This uses apostrophes to designate a string to search for, i.e. '' will display only entries containing that string of ASCII text (numbers and letters etc).
Use brackets () to group items, with AND, OR and (NOT) as search operators, i.e. ('' AND ':80' AND (NOT 'http'))

Additional examples:
'MAC=88-B1-00-FF-00-FF' AND 'DNS'
('DNS' AND 'ebay' AND ('192.168.15.' OR '10.254.'))
(':443' AND (NOT '10.254.254') AND (NOT '172.16.254'))

Categories Displays messages matching the selected Category, defined in the DrayTek Syslog Utility Categories article
Sub-Categories Some Categories have sub-categories, with additional options or filters, such as Traffic Graphs, Calls Logs etc.
DSL Information Displays the current DSL modem status.
Selected Router DrayTek Syslog Utility can record syslog messages from up to 5 devices. Select the IP address of the device currently being displayed from the drop-down box.
WAN Status Displays the current WAN interface status and usage information. Select the WAN interface to view from the drop-down box.
Pause Button Ticking the Pause option stops the DrayTek Syslog utility from receiving new syslog messages until this option is un-ticked.
Syslog Message Window

Displays current Syslog messages with:

  • System Time - When the DrayTek Syslog utility received the syslog message
  • Router Time - Timestamp of the router's current time when sending the syslog message
  • Host - Identifies the device sending syslog messages
  • Message - Syslog message data

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