XV. VigorACS and VigorConnect
ExpiredVigor ACS-SI Database Backup
Vigor ACS-SI Edition is a Central Management System (CMS) for DrayTek routers and firewalls, providing System Integrators or system administration personnel a real-time integrated monitoring, configuration and management platform.
Vigor ACS-SI is powered by a MYSQL database and this article explains the process to configure the backing up routine so that the Vigor ACS-SI database can be backed up.
Windows Backup
For windows Backup, locate backupconfig_si_windows.txt . The file if found in \vigoracs si\dbutil\backupRestoreScript\si\windows
1. Open the file using a txt editor such as notepad.
2. In the file, amend the details shown below (underlined in red) with your ACS details such as the MYSQL username and password, the directory to save the backup file etc.
3. From the same windows folder \vigoracs si\dbutil\backupRestoreScript\si\windows, run automysqlback_si.bat
4. Check that backup was successful by going to the location specified in the backupconfig_si_windows.txt
6. If required the backup can then be scheduled by creating a job in task scheduler to run automysqlback_si.bat
7. The C:\EMS (stores firmare and config files) directory and \VigorACS SI (Program directory, includes configuration settings such as port and memory) should also be backed up.
To schedule this I used Task Scheduler but to get Task Scheduler to report the correct exit code I edited automysqlback_si.bat and removed the 'pause' statement so that the .bat file would exit automatically when complete